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Get Your Fish On

26 x 26 mins

Get Your Fish On is a high energy, full throttle, competitive fishing show that follows host Mandy Kupenga and a revolving bunch of female fishing friends as they take on local men in a weekly fishing battle. 

With a new location, new competitors and a different challenge each week, Get Your Fish On is fresher than fish on salt ice!

Fierce on-board banter, screaming reels and non-stop fishing action, each episode is filled with jeopardy, hi-jinks and humour.

Fueling the competitive fires is the humiliation that comes with being the losing team – who have to cook a meal for the victors of the day. Personal pride is at stake here!

The show also looks at the fishing history of each location, traditional Māori tikanga (protocols) about fishing, promotes conservation through the ‘catch and release’ ideology, and shares a ton of top fishing tips too.

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